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Primăria si Consiliul Local Târgu Cărbunesti © 2011. All Rights Reserved.
   In the city there are a whole wealth of treasures contained in the official list of the National Commission of Monuments, Ensembles and historical sites as follows;
* Monuments, archaeological sites and complexes:
-settlement from the Neolithic village Curteana;
* Monuments and architectural ensembles:
1 wooden church "Adormirea Maicii Domnului -1832 from Tupsa
2 wooden church "Cuvioasa Paraschiva" - 1698 from village Dutesti
3-church "Sf.Ioan ,Sf. Nicolae si Sf. Gheorghe  "- 1824 -1825 village Cojani
4-wood church "Sfintii imparati" -1746, village Curteana
5-wood church "Nasterea Maicii Domnului" - 1777 in the village Floresteni
6 wooden church "Sf.Gheorghe si Inaltarea Domnului " from 1834 to 1838 in the village Pojogeni
7-wood church "Inaltarea Domnului" -1796  village Comanesti
8 -wooden church "Sfintii Voievozi "-1797 from Valley Ocii
9 - wooden church "Sfantul Nicolae"-1836 in the village Stefanesti
10-church "Sf.Ioan Botezatorul", in 1780 the city Tg.Carbunesti.
* Monuments and art kits with memorial value;
- Monument of the fallen in World War I-1926 in the village Pojogeni
Ultima actualizare 07.02.2025